About Us

The SAGDB was founded in 1999 by South African businessman and SAGDB patron Johann Rupert.

Rupert’s vision was to create a grass-roots golf development program that could grow the sport, develop golf skills into tangible benefits for graduate, and eventually produce champion golfers.
The SAGDB is not only about golf; it’s about giving children from all walks of life the skills to develop into positive role models in their communities through the discipline and values they learn through the game and to empower them to become economically independent through these skills.

The SAGDB (South African Golf Development Board) operates in 14 areas across South Africa. It enjoys support and endorsement of the Department of Sports and Recreation, the R&A, GolfRSA, the Sunshine Tour, the Professional Golfers Association of South Africa, Remgro and all other official South African golf bodies.

In the last 21 years, more than 35 000 children have come through the SAGDB program, thanks to the devoted staff, the backing of dedicated sponsors and the unwavering support of South Africa’s 14 golf unions.

The South African Golf Development Board (SAGDB) is a non –profit organisation with section 18a donations tax exemption status. Since its formation in 1999, the SAGDB has grown a network of coaches and officials who work across the country to develop the game in the cities and the most remote areas.

The SAGDB currently coaches 2 600 children weekly in the PGA-approved LTAD coaching programme across the 14 provinces.

  • Boland
  • Border
  • Central Gauteng
  • Eastern Cape
  • Ekurhuleni
  • Free State
  • Gauteng North
  • KwaZulu Natal
  • Limpopo
  • Mpumalanga
  • North West
  • Northern Cape
  • Southern Cape
  • Western Cape

Our team consists of full time and contract administrative staff, a development manager per region and over 48 contracted development and head coaches. All coaches are skilled golfers from the PGA or local communities.

They speak the language of the children in their care and understand their social & economic backgrounds.

How we make a difference
Golf’s history of tradition and etiquette, its handicapping system and discipline of self-regulation and integrity nurtures honourable qualities in its followers.

Our primary impact lies with the sport itself. We actively broaden the golfing community and transform its composition to be more representative of society.

The learners in our programmes are often children that would never have come into contact with golf, and the additional social benefit this exposure brings is immense. These children develop to become positive and stable role models in their own communities because of the discipline and deep values they learn through the game. They further develop into healthy and active members of society as adults and become economically independent with their acquired skills.

Our Goals
“Take the game to the people”, including underprivileged communities by providing free coaching and practice equipment Nurture elite players by sponsoring equipment, club fees and competition participation Make facilities more accessible

Secondary Goals
Develop players to meaningfully participate at all levels of golf. Create heroes, stable role models and mentors in all communities.


How We Started



SAGDB Founded



Pass the 15,000 member mark



20th Year Anniversary



Pass the 35,000 member mark

About Us